Personal midwife

Welcome to our practice, where we provide small-scale care in our beautiful big city. Our care feels close, you really get to know your own midwives. This gives confidence. You really know who is there for you in this life-changing process.

How wonderful is it when you call the practice and pick up your own midwife?
Who knows who you are just hearing your first name?
Where you don't have to tell your story over and over again?

Many practices sprinkle with terms like “personal care” and “small team.” This often means that you can schedule your appointments for pregnancy checks with a permanent midwife.
But if you call with concerns about something, you're about to give birth, or you call at night during your maternity week,
so you get someone who really knows you; who knows what's important to you
and how do you prefer to be contacted?
Or do you have to make do with one of the other 5 to 12 colleagues?
For us, this is arranged differently:

We have 2 teams of midwives.
Two midwives work closely together per team. You are under the care of 1 of these 2 teams.
Team Jade or Team Cedar.

Scientific research has shown: if you are accompanied by a maximum of 2 midwives, the chance of unnecessary intervention is much smaller. For example, you can think of an unnecessary referral to the gynecologist or the chance that you need pain relief during delivery. This is also the lower the chance of a cut during delivery.

In addition, it appears that your baby's growth is best monitored if 2 midwives monitor this. The more hands on your stomach, the less reliable the measurements are.

We have 1 midwife who takes care of all our vacation days and training days.
This means that there is always a permanent replacement who has the same vision and working method.
You'll get to know her when your due date falls during our vacation period.

Because we can only supervise a few women per team, it's nice if you sign up with us early in pregnancy, otherwise we'll be full. Then you always have the option to be added to our waiting list.

Plan an introduction

Would you like to meet us without obligation first? That's possible! We schedule a meeting with your midwife who will tell you everything about our practice and way of working.

Schedule an appointment

Plan your intake & first ultrasound

Do you want to sign up immediately? Then we schedule an intake meeting and a first early ultrasound. Fill out the registration form so that we can schedule an appointment with you.

Register directly