Our way of working

We have our own way of doing things. This goes beyond just the medical part. Our care is holistic, but with both feet on the ground in Rotterdam. No fancy fuss, but practical and effective.

Our unique way of working

There is no “best way” just “your way”

In addition to the necessary medical knowledge and care that we offer, we would like to look at the 5 factors that have to do with becoming a mother; Body, Mind, Nutrition, Spirituality & Environment. We coach you at the points you need to grow.


Your body is going through a major change. We'll see how you can get through the pregnancy in the most vital way. What does your body need to feel healthy?


This is about your mindset. See what is possible and what feels good. Gain confidence in nature and strength in yourself. Here we are happy to coach you.


A healthy diet during pregnancy is essential for a vital pregnancy. We offer extra support in finding the right path here. In addition to nourishing your body, we also look at “mental nutrition” that makes you feel better about yourself.


You're not doing this process alone. Your partner and/or your immediate environment is involved and has an influence on the choices you make and how you experience them. How did the women in your area give birth? Who are the people who inspire you? What experiences do you include in your choices?


The pregnancy and birth of a baby are also spiritual processes. In every culture, there are customs or rituals to shape this. We believe in slowing down, deepening and connecting. To be able to do it your way in a way that fits your vision and beliefs.


From pregnancy to mother/parenting, a number of medical benchmarks are key. We are closely monitoring your health. We work closely with various specialists if necessary, such as gynecologists. Every 6 weeks, a gynecologist monitors us on location office hours.

Plan an introduction

Would you like to meet us without obligation first? That's possible! We schedule a meeting with your midwife who will tell you everything about our practice and way of working.

Schedule an appointment

Plan your intake & first ultrasound

Do you want to sign up immediately? Then we schedule an intake meeting and a first early ultrasound. Fill out the registration form so that we can schedule an appointment with you.

Register directly