Hormones & Balance

Did you know that your cycle can be divided into 4 different phases. How are you currently going through your cycle? Is it one big surprise when your period starts? Or do you keep track of the days. Do you now see two more phases in your cycle: menstruation and non-menstruating. Do you see your period as an obstacle to your daily life? Then read on, because there is more to discover about your cycle.

What phases does my menstrual cycle have?

Your menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases: your period, follicular phase, ovulation and luteal phase. Each phase has its own superpowers and pitfalls. Your cycle is also compared to the four seasons:

Winter: Your period (3-7 days)

How do you feel when your period starts? Are you happy that your PMS is over? Is there a relief that you are not pregnant or is it just a disappointment? Or are you in a panic because you know you're in for a few days of cramps and heavy blood loss, just in the week you're having that important presentation at work? On the day you have your period, 'the winter' of your cycle begins. You menstruation may take between 3 and 7 days.

In this phase, the hormones estrogen and progesterone fall to their lowest levels a day or two before your period begins. This can manifest itself in deep tiredness, emotional and anxious; you notice that tension is being increased in your body and mind. The unfertilized egg cell is released, you lose blood along with some endometrium.

In this phase, it is quickly visible where your limits lie. If you find yourself struggling through work, are you having a fight in your relationship, or you find that your children are pushing all your buttons, this is a sign that you have crossed your line.

In this phase, you need to make it a little easier for yourself and how you do that is different for everyone. For example, schedule less important appointments in this phase. Tell your environment that you are a little less able to face confrontation. And do an activity with your children that costs you less energy until, towards the end of this phase, your estrogen rises again and you feel remarkably better.

Spring: Follicular phase (3-7 days)

One week after your period, the follicular phase. The follicular phase lasts approximately 3 to 7 days. In this phase, the hormone gives FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) the signal to your ovaries that a new egg cell, a follicle, can mature, which also ensures the production of more estrogen.

Your heavy mood disappears like snow in the sun. Spring has arrived and you are regaining interest in the world around you. You have more energy, more confidence and you feel mentally stronger.

This is still a transition phase. If you slowed down in the winter, don't immediately go from zero to a hundred in a day. Research what activities are best to do in this phase, for example, is it best to plan your appointments during this phase, or are you focused on working for hours on that one proposal or big presentation.

Summer: Ovulation

You peak with you estrogen and that is the highest in your summer. You ovulation takes between 3 and 4 days. LH, it luteinizing hormone increases, this is what the follicle needs to ovulation. In addition, you also have an increase of testosterone. These three provide a hormone cocktail with lots of fun.

These are the days when you are most fertile and you can tell: You have more energy, your skin is radiant, you are at your strongest communicative and social and your libido is increasing. This affects your relationships, at work and in your family.

You feel like a super woman and you can take on the whole world!

Autumn: Luteal phase

The luteal phase lasts between 10 - 14 days. After ovulation has occurred, the egg cell travels to the uterus and has one day to be fertilized. Estrogen is still increasing slightly, but progesterone rises faster.

You may still feel energetic in the first few days, but the closer you get to winter, the rainier your mood. You may experience mood swings, migraines, cramps and other PMS symptoms.

If the egg cell is not fertilized, the estrogen and progesterone again and the cycle starts again. You can start preparing for your winter.

Move with your menstrual cycle

If you've never experienced your cycle like this before, you may find yourself rumbling through the seasons. In practice, we see that women who are not aware of the difference in energy experience frustration at every stage in their autumn and winter. Things don't work out well at work, you can't exercise, you can't burn out. It is a sign that you are completely against your own cycle and that costs a lot of energy.

By being more aware of the difference in energy and the qualities of your cycle, we have a workshop and you can receive personal advice in a cycle discussion by one of our midwives.



Team Jade


Verloskundige. Ze heeft een enorme passie voor alles wat met mindfulness, meditatie en persoonlijke ontwikkeling te maken heeft. Daarnaast weet ze ontzettend veel over een gezonde leefstijl, duurzaamheid en voeding. Voor zowel jou als je baby!


Verloskundige & Anticonceptie-specialist. Waar Iris geniet van mooie verdiepende gesprekken op het spreekuur, doet ze bij een geboorte het liefst zo min mogelijk. Kijken, observeren, aanmoedigen, en alleen medisch handelen als het nodig is. Iris begeleid jou verder in het kiezen van de juiste anticonceptie en plaatst bij ons ook spiralen.

Team Ceder


Verloskundige & Anticonceptie-specialist.
Merel kent de ware kunst van iemand op z'n gemakt stellen. Ze heeft voor iedereen een luisterend oor en neemt ook een goede dosis humor mee op de afspraken.
Merel host onze New Life Circle events en geeft jou een glimp van je baby tijdens de pretecho’s.


Verloskundige & Versiekundige. Als enige geboren Rotterdammer is zij opgeleid in Amsterdam. Sarah is de rust zelve. Haar kalmte en geduld is haar superkracht! Naast gepassioneerd verloskundige is zij ook versiekundige. Ligt je baby in stuitligging? Op holistische & kundige wijze weet zij babies te draaien naar hoofdligging.


Verloskundige & Hypnotherapeut.
Naast een bevlogen en kundige verloskundige is Marit onze in-house hypnotherapeut. Zij weet op een hele fijne manier jou te helpen met het creëren van een gezonde levenstijl, het verminderen van angst en stress en zelfs pijn bij de bevalling. Marit is ook een vast onderdeel van de 'New Life Circle' events en voert ook pretecho's uit. In januari wordt team Rose versterkt door Elena Vlugt.


Verloskundige & Hypnotherapeut.
Naast een bevlogen en kundige verloskundige is Marit onze in-house hypnotherapeut. Zij weet op een hele fijne manier jou te helpen met het creëren van een gezonde levenstijl, het verminderen van angst en stress en zelfs pijn bij de bevalling. Marit is ook een vast onderdeel van de 'New Life Circle' events en voert ook pretecho's uit. In januari wordt team Rose versterkt door Elena Vlugt.

Team Rose

Don't let your hormones stop you anymore, but learn to live with the flow of your hormones.

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Contraception consultation

Do you want information about all forms of contraception or do you want to know what hormone-free methods are available?

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Place contraception

Do you want to change your contraception method into a spiral or implant? Then you can have it placed with us.

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