The birth
The birth of your child is probably one of the most powerful processes you will ever experience in your life. We will guide you so that you can enter the birth with confidence.
The birth of your child is probably one of the most powerful processes you will ever experience in your life. We will guide you so that you can enter the birth with confidence.
During our appointments, we will discuss extensively with you what your preferred place for birth is. In the Netherlands, you can choose between a home, a birth center and an outpatient delivery in the hospital. It is important to consciously think about the place of delivery because you should choose a place that feels safest for you. If you feel safe, the birth will go better as a result. For some, this means at home in your own environment where you stay in control; for others, this means in a hospital where there is quick access to all clinical care.
Most women give birth on their backs in bed. But did you know that most women don't choose this attitude themselves? And isn't that comfortable and effective at all?
Lying on your back often hurts more, the blood supply to your baby is not optimal and neither does the space in your pelvis. Bizarre, isn't it?
That's why we'll explore your ideas about this even during pregnancy and encourage you to look for a position that feels most comfortable for you during birth.
Our midwives all have extensive experience in supervising bath births and births in various positions. Do you prefer to use a bar stool? All our midwives carry this standard at no extra cost to you.
The bath birth is hot! Literally & figuratively. And we understand why. This is because the warm enveloping water has an analgesic effect while absorbing the contractions. It has many benefits for your birth to (partly) be in the bath. For example, women experience more control, less pain and, as an obstetrician, we see that it increases oxytocin (the birth hormone). The hot water also makes your tissue soft and supple, which can reduce the risk of tearing out. Babies born in the water come into the world more relaxed. They make a gentle transition from the amniotic fluid to the bath water and then to the surface.
All our midwives have extensive experience in supervising baby births. You can give birth in the bath at home as well as in a birth center or outpatient setting.
Birth is never the same. Everyone has a unique experience. To maximize the chance of a positive experience, write a birth plan. Unrealistic? No, not at all!
We have the experience that if you write down your first choices, how you want to be approached and how you want to deal with unexpected situations, you are much more empowered and better prepared. Your partner also knows what's important to you, and so do we. Win-win!
Would you like to meet us without obligation first? That's possible! We will schedule a meeting with your midwife who will tell you everything about our practice and way of working.
Do you want to sign up right away? Then we schedule an intake interview and a first early ultrasound. Fill out the registration form so that we can schedule an appointment with you.