Check ups

When you are 7-8 weeks pregnant, you can visit us for the first time. You've just got pregnant and you probably have a lot of questions, but you don't know where to start. No worries, we've got your back!

Obstetric appointments

From pregnancy to mother/parenting, a number of medical benchmarks are key. We are closely monitoring your health. We do this during obstetric appointments and during ultrasounds (if you wish).

With an extensive intake interview, we will discuss everything you need in your pregnancy. This goes beyond just medical; we look at the whole picture of body, mind and more. Floaty?
No, practical, with both feet on the ground and proven effective.

All medical care and extra care take place at our practice. Examples include ultrasounds, blood tests, pregnancy and childbirth courses. In any case, we will take care of you and your baby up to 6 weeks after delivery. But even after this period, you can continue to use all the services that our practice has to offer. And of course, you can always call with questions.

Appointments overview

Medical ultrasound

At our practice, we perform all medical ultrasounds that may be necessary during pregnancy.

Welcome ultrasound
During your first appointment at 7-8 weeks, we can do a welcome ultrasound. This is not a medical ultrasound and is therefore performed by non-medical sonographers. We see if the pregnancy is visible.

Vitality ultrasound
If you have a medical indication, we will do an early ultrasound from 6 weeks and 4 days.

Term ultrasound
With this ultrasound, we can calculate the final due date.

Ultrasound medical indication
If there are doubts about the growth of your baby or about the position of your baby at the end of pregnancy, we will do an indicative medical ultrasound.

13- & 20-week ultrasound
These ultrasounds are part of prenatal screening. Prenatal screening is research that we can do during pregnancy to detect birth defects. The 13 & 20 week ultrasound takes place at our practice.

Prenatal screening

Fun echo

In addition to a medical ultrasound, you can also have a fun ultrasound done with us! This is an ultrasound if you like to take a peek at your baby in the belly. No medical checks are carried out here. This is not reimbursed by the insurer; we charge a fee for this.

Photo - fun image?

Gender determination
From the age of 15 weeks, you can already check the gender of your baby with us. We'll then watch 2D for about 15 minutes. Don't you want to know right away? Then we write it down on paper and give it in an envelope. We will send you 3 ultrasound photos in black and white and... a nice surprise!! You pay €40.00 for gender determination. You can only pay by pin. Do you want to take color photos on USB? This is possible for €8.00.

3D/4D ultrasound 3rd trimester
If you like to look at your baby 3/4D, it is best to do this between 27-30 weeks. 3D is a good way to get an idea of what your child looks like. With 4D, you can even see moving images. How fun is it to catch a glimpse of your child and share it with your family/friends?

The ultrasound lasts approximately 20 minutes. You will receive 5 photos in black and white. You pay €60.00 for gender determination. You can only pay by pin.
Do you want color photos and a movie on USB? This is possible for €8.00.

Plan an introduction

Would you like to meet us without obligation first? That's possible! We schedule a meeting with your midwife who will tell you everything about our practice and way of working.

Schedule an appointment

Plan your intake & first ultrasound

Do you want to sign up immediately? Then we schedule an intake meeting and a first early ultrasound. Fill out the registration form so that we can schedule an appointment with you.

Register directly